Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Open It!!" 2008

Hello Everyone,

This is Kevin. I've decided to take over this blog's narrative . . . because I can. The Sharpenberg's are at home, recovering from the plague (flu) and holiday travel, and getting ready for a trip to Europe starting on the 19th. Christmas and New Years were great, and thank you to all of those that made time to see us among all the holiday business. Anyway, we hope you like the pictures below from our Chicago trip.

We started in the airport, praying that the snow gods would let us leave. At least Connor got a chance to run around the airport, check out the seating, and make some friends playing ball.

We made it to Chicago 4 hours later than planned, but early enough for Connor to get some play time in before bed.

He, of course, didn't sit around for many pictures.
Se spent Christmas Eve at my brother's place in Wheaton. They did a great thing bringing us all together, decorating, cooking hosting, etc.

Connor found some of his cousin's toys to play with before he opened his own. He also likes my shoes.
After eating dinner, we started opening gifts. Ryan and Josh did a good job handing out the gifts. "One of yours for you, one of yours for me . . ."

Connor had perfected a new phrase when we did our Seattle gift opening the week prior, "OPEN IT!!". He whipped out that phrase again on Christmas Eve, "Open it open it open it!!".

My brother Brandon could heard from the street yelling the same thing, "Open it!!"

Connor went back for desert after gifts had been opened. I think he's a little sugar doped here.

Don't you dare look at my cookie that way!

Connor and Oma spent some quality time together during the trip. Here they're watching a promotional clip to Vegetales: Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. Maybe 50 repeats on the promo Mom?

During the trip, we even managed to drive up to Madison, WI and visit Brian and Laura Pfleger. I think Connor is considering ending his own life here. "Too many hours in a car!!" I'll pull the trigger, I swear!

Ah, back from Wisconsin. Mom, what's with the funny look at Connor?

And she goes in for the kiss. It's okay, Connor isn't old enough to know he should be embarrassed.
TV is mind control.

Connor got a chance to see his buddy Jack again during the trip. Kim was good enough to bring Jack to Glenview, and even managed to get a few words in with Tanya to catch up.

And then the boys did this. We don't talk about it. Good collateral for the high school days to come.

Chocolate cake. Connor, can you say aaahhhhhhhh. Open big like Daddy.

Do you think Connor likes cake?
Yup, Connor likes chocolate cake. Why does this picture remind me of Chris Farley?

What!! A tent in the living room? Man Oma, how are we going to reign Connor in when we get back to Washington? Yes Connor, you can go in.

Boooooo!! You snooze, you lose Connor. To the victor go the spoils.

Okay, I'll share. I guess a dad should share, right?

Yes Connor, I'll climb through the green parental torture device.

Good job buddy! You fit a little better than Daddy.

Yes, you are cute Connor. No, we can't take this living room circus home with us.

But, we can make Mommy do it too :)

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