Monday, September 7, 2009

Uncoordinated White Guys with Chainsaws

Hey Gramma,

What's that up there?

It looks like Daddy and Grampa. What are they doing?

It's like they are "tree-whispering". And, what's that thing propped in the tree at Daddy's feet?

And why is Grampa tying a rope to the tree? Does he want to make a swing?

Wait, where did the tree go? They're cutting it down!! Do they know what they are doing? And why does Daddy look like he's just hanging out . . . with a chainsaw . . . in a tree?

Almost done with the big branches. I hope this one doesn't hit the neighbor's car.

I am the master of my domain :) Who is going to clean up all this mess. I can't ride my bike through this.

It looks a lot nicer without that dieing tree hanging over everything.

And I'm spent. Nap time. See you soon :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Connor and Thomas Together Forever

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for taking so long since my last post. I've just been consumed with thinking about Thomas the Train ever since I had a Day Out with Thomas. Only now can I look at these pictures and not feel a deep sense of loss over not being able to re-experience the day.

There he is. Simply put, I love him.
Gramma and Grampa were excited to spend time with Thomas too. They had heard me tell so many good stories.
Even Mommy allowed herself to get photographed. I was biting my nails in anticipation.
Once we were on the train my anxiety turned to sheer joy.
On the train ride we passed by the Snoqualmie Lodge.
And could look down the Snoqualmie falls.
At one point though, I felt like I was being watched from unseen eyes.
But, I forgot all about it once I got my hand tattoo.
And spent a fair amount of time in the tent filled with train sets on tables. There were lots of train sets to test drive.
Even Grampa got into the action. He's got skills.
Grampa is also tricky. When he wanted train play time to end, he got me a Popsicle to lure me away.
Not a bad deal for me all in all.
They also had a model train set with Thomas characters. Here is Percy making the loop.
But, when Daddy tried to take me into a small locomotive, I just had enough. Let's go home!!
Bye bye Thomas!