Summer is flying bye and I realize we just haven't done a good job of sharing it all. And, things haven't slowed down yet, so I'm taking this chance to share a little and we'll hope to catch up again before it starts snowing again :)
Since the last post in May, lots has happened. June was the month of Father's Day, Connor birthday, and Sunriver. July saw me go to Toronto for a week, a successful summit run on Mt Adams, and recently Connor's first overnight camping trip.
For Connor's birthday, it was an all out event again. It turns out that Tina and Bob were in town, so they got to hang out as well. And, to top it off, Gramma and Grampa came up from Portland.
As usual, Gramma got some quality time with the grandkids, Finley and Wyatt in this picture.
Tina and Wyatt were at the party, sporting some great smiles and fun attitudes. But, you have to question Aunt Tina's outfit . . . Where is the eye patch?
Uncle Ian and Kailey were there to party too! Yet again, it seems like the older generation didn't get the dress code memo . . .
There was a "walk the plank" game in the back room, and Finley was there to rock it! Does she look happy to you?
In the living room, there was a big treasure map on the wall that the kids loved. Did I mention that there were ~20 kids at the party, and we armed them all with foam swords?
And then there was the cake. It fed everyone at the party with room to spare, tasted great, and had candles coming out the side that looked like cannons (not to be confused with the fondant cannons sitting on the ship's deck). Just remembering it I want another piece.
And then, just this past weekend, I had a chance to take Connor on his first overnight camping trip. We went with a father/son set of our friends to a mountain lake. Connor had a great time, carrying his new backpack that he'll use when he starts kindergarten.
Once we made it to the campground, we dropped our stuff and then head out to another lake a little farther out. The kids got up on the log bridge at the farthest end as we appreciated the beautiful surroundings.

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