Life just keeps rolling in the Scharpenberg house. It's hard at times to even remember what we've been up to, just that we've been busy. But, if I think back: I had a trip to Vegas with coworkers, Connor had a school carnival, we went to Portland for a baby shower, we went to the aquarium, Connor started riding his pedal bike and learned to whistle, Tanya and I started another round of P90X, and who knows what else. . . The latest thing has been Finley's birthday party, so we'll just focus on that.
Gramma and Grampa came up from Portland to celebrate and the kids are always excited to see them. Of course, now there is a little competition with Kailey in the mix :)

Jenny and Ian are holding up well with their new baby girl Kailey and don't have to hold her much when Gramma and Grampa are visiting. Roger is momentarily substituting out a glass of wine for this picture.

Finley wanted a dinosaur party, and that's what she got. Tanya made a brontosaurus cake. . .

In the middle of the picture is the body, legs, and tail, but no head yet.
On Saturday morning, with a lot of help from family, we got the house set up for the party. Notice the brontosaurus cake in the middle.
Mother and daughter posing together.

Our friend have a little 6 month old. She is wearing one of the custom tailored tails that Tanya made for the party.

Finley like HUMMUS!!!!

Its amazing that Connor eats chicken nuggets now. So does Finley, but she is less of a finicky eater. Wait, my fault, they are dinosaur nuggets, not chicken.

The spread for the herbivores.

Each kid at Finley's party got a gift bag. The balsa wood dinosaur in the foreground were ROUGH to construct, but a cool decoration.


More TREATS!!!

Ben was excited :)
Maybe he was excited because he saw the picture station. . .
Maybe he was excited because he saw the custom dino-tail he would get. . .
We managed to have a beautiful day, so we had cake outside on the deck. All hail the cake!

Mommy and Finley worked together to blow out the candles.

Finley was in awe of her cake.

And then she pulled of the dinosaur's head.

Connor also liked the cake. At times, I think he felt like it was his party.

Foster was liking the cake too.
More rock candy, please.
And, in the midst of it all, Gramma and Grampa kept their eye on Kailey too.
It was a great weekend. Now we have to find a way to do it again before Sunriver.
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