Hi Everyone,
So, my parents have FINALLY gotten around to getting my Halloween pictures up...it only took them a little over a month. :)
Here are the cool pumpkins we carved. I loved sitting on the island and scooping out all of the seeds. I even got to do a little carving...though I'm not sure how effective my little butter knife was.
My friends Markus and Clare came over to help me put on my costume.
You can barely see it, but I even had a little bag of clubs. Unfortunately, only one was removable and it was filled with batting. Not the club you want for ultimate performance. I think I'll stick to my plastic set.
The hat, however, was great...even if my head was bordering on too big for it. And check out the cool shoe covers!
Finally, we got down to the business of trick-or-treating. We even ran into my friend Ethan and his parents. He makes a great Superman!
Ethan was all about racing up to doors, but I was a little more cautious. Luckily, Aunt Nay Nay was there with me.
What do you mean you want to stop for pictures...I want more CANDY!!!!

After our photo shoot, I convinced mom and dad to hit a few more houses while Aunt Nay Nay and Een handed out candy at our house. Then, I melted down...
...I'm not sure why. I think it just became a little too much.
So, I went back to the safety of home.
And even scored another Hershey bar from Aunt Nay Nay.
I was having a hard time focusing on dinner with all the kids coming to the door in their cool costumes, so mom and dad moved my high chair to the entry way.
From my new post, I could eat without missing any of the action.
Finally, it was time to get out of the costume and get down to the business of eating CANDY!!!

This is one of the cutest costumes I have ever seen.
Sue Shepard
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