Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm an Amnimal . . . At the Zoo!

Hey Folks,

With all the food throwing and wild sounds I make these days, Ma and Pa thought it was time to take me to see "my people". We went to the Zoo on what feels like the only nice day this spring and had a good ol' time. Check it out.

Dad strapped me in my cage (again). I guess it's better than a leash?

I'm maybe 3 feet from a lion, but I decided to stare down this kid next to Dad. "Back off, I'm hungry and not afraid to bite!!"

Huphalump! Come here, I want to pet you.

I see you paparazzi. I better get a piece of the proceeds.
Did you know that Dad uses me to pick up chicks (just to the left off camera). Check out that winning smile. What a dingis.

"Dad, the huphalump is over there! And by the way, your hair smells very nice."

Roar!! Feed me meat (crackers)!!
I'll top that off with a little Perrier.
Picnic on the lawn. I even cross my legs. But it has nothing to do with being proper, but trying to deal with the pain of the super small hat Mom and Dad crammed my melon into.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm...can I borrow Connor to help me pick up chicks? : ) Connor, my wing-man!