Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Baby Berg has a Name!!! And He's HUGE!!!

Tanya and I thought it would be fun to take a couple of pictures of the nursary before the baby came, so here those are.

Connor Robert Scharpenberg was born at 7:28PM on June 19 weighing 9lbs 7oz, measuring in at 21.75 inches long. HE'S HUGE!! He's also all-on or all-off. If Connor is sleeping, good luck waking him up. We'll experience the joy of trying to get him to go to sleep soon enough.
Here are a few picture of the first couple of hours. We'll try to keep them coming!


Vicki said...

Way to go, don't worry about the head I heard it makes for big brains. :) Love to all, Vicki

Sue said...

Tonya and Kevin,
Big Congrats and glad to see everyone is doing alright. I guess he is a big boy!!! :) Tonya, you may want to take a trip to stride rite and get Connor some of those walking shoes. :) Enjoy and big hugs from us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tanya,
Congrats!! And you didn't give birth to a baby, you gave birth to a toddler! Hope you guys like football because it looks like you have a player on your hands.


Unknown said...

Congrats to both of you. That is one big boy!