So, Finley is still here. Mom and Dad haven't taken her back, and I haven't asked. It's like this little pink elephant in the room that there is this new person in the house. Oh well, I like her well enough, so we'll go with it for now.
Here is Finley's 1 week old picture. She always seems to have this look of, "What are you looking at?" Gramma and Grampa were up for that Easter weekend, and Jenny and Ian were hanging out too. I got two Easter baskets. The one from Jenny and Ian had Mater in it. Nice :)
That Saturday afternoon we went for an Easter Egg Hunt at our neighbors. Get those EGGS!!!
I was happy. I did well.
I also hung out with my buddy Ethan. We had fun playing basketball and posing for the camera. I was using my "cheese face" in this picture. Also, please note that Ethan and his brother Jack in the background are wearing matching vests. If my parents ever try to do that with me and Finley, I'm leaving.
Chocolate hangovers are rough.
Another Finley picture. Notice the look again. "What can I do for you, huh?"
Finley made it to 2 weeks old without any big hiccups. Like I said earlier, seems like she is here to stay. . .