Saturday, October 24, 2009

Monster Rave in Glenview Illinois

Hey Everyone,

We were in Chicago in early October to visit Oma and Opa. Opa had a little tune up (surgery) and we wanted to see how he was doing, plus get face to face with the family overall and make sure they were keeping it all on the up and up. . .

We got together with Mom's friend Kim and of course Jack and James. Now, Jack has this thing about shirtless Thursdays, and I think we visited on Thursday . . . (just kidding)

Jacks little brother James can't walk yet, but he does manage to roll around and get in the game. He managed to tickle Oma's feet and had her on the run.
Did I mention that Jack is "Super Chill&Happy Baby"?
At one point Jack was accessorizing. We managed a lot of activities in our visit, including a trip to the Kohl's Museum.

For those of you that can't make it out, my shirt says, "I'm Kind of a Big Deal" :)
When I'm back with Oma and Opa, it seems like some of the rules magically disappear for a while. Can anyone say Dove Bar?
See food.
Opa was helping me eat some pretzels too. I didn't know how much better everything is with butter.
I can't wait until the next trip to Chicago where I can learn another cool food combo. It's all so European :)

Rocket Scientist in the House

Alright, slowly getting current with the summer activity :) In this special edition, I'd like to give a cross-country shout out to my buddy Zan. We didn't take a lot of pictures cause we were busy having fun. But, let's start with some couch time just chill-axing. . .

Did I eat something spicy, or did I make a present? You decide.

At one point, while I was taking a nap, Dad and Zan went out to meet a friend named Dan for a day downtown. This is a picture of them down on the waterfront by the aquarium.
Zan got a real kick out of this game that I like to play with Dad. We call it trust falls. Ready, set,

Thanks for visiting Zan!