I've taken over Connor's blog this time just to get some of the pictures out from one of the summer activities: a climb up Mt Rainier. Some folks may remember that I did a similar trip last year with the same group. This time around, 18 of 21 people in the group made the summit and the money raised will go towards building a school in Nepal that is near crumbling. I mention this because my big takeaway from this year's climb is that I have taken my surroundings for granted. It's too easy to let the days get routine and miss things like the little miracles and surrounding danger. Enjoy the pictures. I can tell you that in person, it was hard to take the surroundings for granted.
Driving to Mt Rainier. It just doesn't seem very big from a distance.
Nisqually Glacier flowing down the mountain as we try to hike up to Camp Muir (base camp).
Base camp at ~ 10,000 ft.