After we got back from Europe, I decided we'd had enough family time and I needed a little vacation FROM Mommy and Daddy. So, I packed my bags and convinced Aunt Nay Nay and Uncle
Een to give me a ride to
Gramma and
Grampa's house in Portland.
Since I was still a little jet-lagged, Gramma was nice enough to get up and play trains at 4:30AM. Mommy and Daddy weren't that nice. They kept telling me to "go back to sleep." As if I could help getting up that early! It's a good thing Grammas understand.

I helped
Gramma and
Grampa with some of the Sudoku puzzles they were stuck on.

Grampa read me some books...

...and helped me play the piano. I really need to get one of these things!

I even got to see Charles and Quinn again. I sure do like those guys!

Uncle Eric was in town for a rugby game, so I got to go watch and play with a new kind of ball. It was almost as big as I am, but that didn't stop me. :)

What do you mean I have to leave the ball here? Can't I keep it....pretty please?!?!

I had SO much fun...I can't wait to go do it again!!!