Okay, okay, enough about Daddy and his mad mountain climbing skills...let's get back to me and my trip to
Sunriver! While we were there we went to the pool a couple of times. They had a great kiddie pool and a BIG POOL with two slides. I didn't try the slides this time around, but watch out for me next year!
Oma and
Gramma watched me as I tried the pool for the first time.

I had lots of fun splashing in the water...

...and Daddy even got in on the fun. :)
Oma took me to play with the spray toy in the middle of the kiddie pool.

Then we got serious. The life jacket went on...

...and I made a trip into the BIG POOL!!! I wasn't such a big fan of the life jacket. It rode up and squished my face.

I was overwhelmed by the vast nature of the BIG POOL, so
Gramma took me back to the kiddie pool.

Then they made the big mistake of trying to make me ride in the whale...I was not a fan.

But, don't feel too bad for the whale...because my cousin Drew loves it!

My cousin Brooke is taking a break in the kiddie pool...but you should see her skills in the big pool. I can't wait until I can swim like her and Drew!

Finally, I will leave you with this mildly disturbing picture of Daddy wearing Brooke's cherry hat...