I could try to explain the title this time around, but I'll let you all find the picture that justifies the title and let you enjoy the experience. It's been relatively quite for the Scharpenbergs since we got back from LA. We've been cleaning up around the house, getting back to the weekly routine, and spending the weekends at the mall and just hanging out with friends. Mom and Dad got a church small group started at the house on Wednesday nights, and as always, Uncle Ian and Auntie NaaNaa come over on Thursday nights for Lost. Anyway, here are the pictures you're looking for.
Gramma was up here the weekend around her birthday, so we had a little play time. I like flying.
Mom, Dad,
NaaNaa, and Ian in their prime. They just can't seem to handle living large with Connor Man.
Uncle Ian and I couldn't decide who deserved the stray more.

We made it to the park when
Gramma Cindy and
Grampa Roger were here. I like the swing.


Oh yeah, did I mention that I'm
cruisin' now? For those of you that don't know the baby lingo,
cruisin' is when a baby starts grabbing on to things and standing up and even walking around.


Common! Bear down!

And we're up. What you
talkin' bout Willis?

Yeah, I'm
cruisin' around the table.

And I'm posing too. I've taken to putting my hands behind my head. Why, cause I'm
Pay no attention to the placement of my hand.

chillin'. Maybe show
boatin' a little bit. Do you like me now?

I'm too sexy!!

And, just to let you all know, it's not all fun and games. I help around the house too!