Back from the party in Chicago. It was cold, nuff said. My dad was there for a weeks worth of Accenture training and Mom and I stayed with Oma and Opa. At the end of the week, we all went down to Springfield to see Uncle Todd get married on Jan 19. Anyway, that's where most of these pictures were taken. Enjoy.
I'm tired here after some quality party time with Brian. He's an animal!
Laura and I decided to play with my green spoon. We were all just hanging out at my Oma and Opa's house on a Saturday in Chicago. Brian and Laura drove down from Wisconsin to see me (and maybe my parents). Brian is a newly minted professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. I feel like he's got a lot of smarts, but he still makes my shake my head sometimes :)
These pictures should be at the end of the set, but Dad was too lazy to move them. I turned 7 months old on Jan 19th, the same day Todd got married in Springfield, IL. These pictures were taken a little late when we got back to Seattle cause Mom and Dad area little behind. It's okay, I still love them.
Oh yeah, I'm starting to try and stand. I can stay on my feet with a little help from others, or in this case, some couch cushions.
Slowly sliding back down to sitting position . . . Gimmi that sign!!!
Gotta get clean. And, Mohawks are cool, right?
Got a chance to play with my buddy Jack while I was back in Chicago too. My mom and Kim got together a couple of times, so us boys hung out too.
Pat and her granddaughter Elly.
I like baths