People, I am at the end of my rope!!! Britney Spears, Brad Pit, Desmond
Tootoo, The Pope, whatever. . . . I got more attention than any of them. It's just
ridiculous. These people are there when I go to sleep and there when I wake up. They've always got a camera and the pictures are just insulting. And, do they ever quote me correctly . . . . NO!!!! I swear, if you listen to these idiots you'd think I was this blabbering, drooling, milk sodden, pants pooping idiot. See for yourself.
Caught me right after I woke up. Of course I look confused. I think the called me constipated for this picture.

Then I smiled. I was still sleepy and I got confused. I thought I was looking at one of the ladies I spent the night with. Turns out it was just a reporter.

Of course, they kept taking pictures as I figured it out. Can you see the rage building on my face?
I had a bender, so what? I was tired, and I had my pants
unbuttoned cause I ate a lot. When you work as hard as I do, your entitled to blow off a little steam.

Alright, this is me on the set of my new film set in Alaska. I vetoed this hat right after they put it on me. But, the paparazzi has me looking like a fool again. I know 90% of the voting public loves this look, but I can't get any respect with my
boyeeeeeeeeez wearing this thing. Have you seen the Christmas Story with

You have to admit thought that, even in this hat, I look AWESOME!!!

I'm hot!


This shot is from my prep portfolio. Can you say
Abercrombie and

I was working a magic trick here. I usually get it to work, but this time I couldn't get the ball to fit in my mouth. Very confusing. . .

Penetrating eyes.
Zoolander style.

Posing with a purpose.

No comment. I don't recall that evening

Again, no comment. I don't care to recall that evening :)