Hello Everyone,
Connor is now home with us and doing well. After the first round of doctors visits, he is doing well. So is Mom. Carzily, the doctor wants Connor to gain weight now. I know this is normal for every kid, but I really don't want a 200 lbs 1 year old. Anyway, we took some pictures that we'd like to share.
First there is the picture of Connor with his pacifier. It seems to eclipse his head.

Next, here is a picture of Connor "thinking". Pfleger, my kid will beat your kid in calculus as well, if you know what I mean :)
Then there is the Oma (grandma) factor. Man, it seems like the prior generation just might have something to teach us.
Finally, like father like son. I just made it back to the house after a run to feed Connor myself. Tanya was napping, so I figured I would use one of the many methods we've learned so far to feed Connor. Listen folks, if you are going to have kids, natural breast feeding is the way to go. I love all the modern day gadgets, but "au natural" is so much easier. Of course, Connor is his father's son, so he has to do it the most difficult, pre-madonna way possible. I LOVE THIS KID!!!
Okay, must sleep soon. Thanks for all the calls, e-mails, and packages. We'll try to get in touch as soon as we can. Thank you all.