Alright, we had over a 1,000 people here for Thanksgiving. Alright, maybe it was more like 15 for family Thanksgiving dinner on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but who is counting. There is a lot of pictorial documentation below, so not much needs saying up here. However, I'd like to give a shout-out to Melissa and "". There is no better way to waste crazy amounts of time on the computer. Yes, I may be young, but I can compute!! Also want to give a big thanks to Aunt/Uncle Tina/Bob for UTube madness. Menergy!!!!
This guy is super sexy, yes? But, he is my Uncle, 60 times my age, and a guy. So, not really an option if you know what I mean. . .

Aunt Nay-Nay, always a favorite chauffeur for me. I want to shove everything in my mouth these days, but the fridge is hard to bring to me.

Aunt Tina, gotta love her. I had to give her a little flack in the beginning. . . 
So that we could be super tight in the long run :)

There's my dad and sexy Uncle Bob. Mom says they make a cute couple. I think I'm going to need therapy.
Grampa let me play with his glass. I think there was some kind of tasty chocolate drink in here before I got hold of the glass, so I was cruising for chocolate leftovers!
I worked this glass for all of its tasty chocolaty goodness.
Watch the video. If you listen closely, you can hear my gums squeaking on the glass. I want sugar!!!!!!
What else can you say but man sandwich. These guys aren't afraid to show their affection.

This far distant stare should work well on my next modeling gig, yes?
I'm also acrobatic. Uncle Eric was balancing my here, but I'm doing all the work.
Chillin' with the Andres. Cool crew. They dig me. Really, I have them wrapped around my little finger.
I'm cute.
Uncle Bob is fascinating . . .

We all do things we're not proud of at family gatherings.

At times, Bob even breaks down and holds me. I think I intimidate him, which I should, cause I'm larger than life!!!
As I said earlier, I like to shove everything in my mouth. Here I'm trying to shove beer in my gullet.

They took it away. Come on people, let's live a little.
Balancing with Eric again. Check out my bull-rider pose :)
My mysterious Zoolander look.

Eat my feet!!!

Me and
Gramma. She's always
makin' me smile. Hurts the image, warms the heart.
Smell my pits!
Me and Aunt/Uncle Tina/Bob. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't figure out a way to get me back to San Francisco without Dad tackling them at the door.

Out for a walk in Kirkland. I'm in the stroller gettin' no love. Notice this rare picture where Mom allows herself to be photographed.

A parting thought: Uncle Bob is sexy. Chocolate Rain!!!!!